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Combining Households

Combining separate Households into one Household is necessary when people get married, as well as when individual members of a Household are added separately (for example, if the family members didn't indicate a relationship upon initial entry). Through this process, Donation records remain with the Donor they are assigned to.

Combining Separate Households

To combine separate Households:

  1. Navigate to the Households section.
  2. Select the two Households you'd like to combine
  3. Click on Reports > Compare & Combine Selected Households
  4. Choose the main Household to keep and the other household to combine into that household.
  5. Click View Report
  6. Review the Household to keep and Household to combine information
  7. Select Combine Households
  8. Complete any final data cleanup; for example:
    • Launch the Add/Edit Family Tool to update the marital status of the Heads of Household.
    • Add a "Married To" Relationship on one of the Head's records (which automatically adds the reciprocal relationship to the other Head). 

Keep in mind the following when using the Compare & Combine Selected Households report:

  • Only two Households can be selected and combined at a time.
  • All Care Log entries from both household records are preserved and moved under the Household record you keep.
  • Records merged through this report will not create Audit Log entries.
  • Once the records are combined, the information not retained during the merge is not visible. 

Combining Duplicate Households

If you have duplicate Households, you can combine them using the Compare & Combine Households Report:

  1. Navigate over to Households
  2. Select two duplicate Households
  3. At the top, click on Reports > Compare & Combine Selected Households
  4. Choose the main Household to keep and the other household to combine into that household.
  5. Click View Report

Keep in mind the following when using the Compare & Combine Selected Households report:

  • Only two Households can be selected and combined at a time.
  • All Care Log entries from both household records are preserved and moved under the Household record you keep.
  • Records merged through this report will not create Audit Log entries.
  • Once the records are combined, the information not retained during the merge is not visible. 

Finding Parents of a Child in their own Household

The Selected Household Matches report can help you find the parents of a child who is in a Household separate from their parents.

  1. Households
  2. Select the desired Household
  3. Reports > Selected Household Matches
  4. Follow the report's instructions