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The Participants page lists Participant records, which holds information about all of the people who have participated in the church. Each person at your church should have one Participant record.  


The Participant record is an extension of the Contact record. It allows for church involvement information to be collected and stored separately from generic contact information.

Participant Record

At the top of the Participant Page you will see:

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  • Profile Image: Most members have an image on them, but if it is missing, images can be attached in the Files folder found in the right side navigation bar.
  • Display Name: This is the last name and first name of the contact.
  • Participant ID: Unique database identifier for this Participant.
  • Record Facts: These little pills are under the display name and gives an overview of some major data points for the person.


If you need a quick refresher on what buttons do on this page please toggle the dropdowns below:

Top Navigation Bar
Below the row of tabs is the top navigation bar found on all pages in Ministry Platform. Toggle the sections below for more details on how to use these:

Tool Bar
- Allows you to edit the fields on this record

- Opens the new message tool.


- Allows you to secure a record to a user or user group. Use with extreme caution.
Attach - Attaches files to the record. This is how you add an image to a record.

- Allows you to create or modify a notifciation email for the selected record.
- Allows you to choose if record insites are showing or not.

Cloud Tools
Tools - The tools that are visible here are dependant on user rights and what page you are currently on.

Report - The reports that are visible here are dependant on user rights and what page you are currently on.

Right Navigation Bar
To the right of page you will see the right navigation bar that is also found on all pages in Ministry Platform. Toggle the sections below for more details on how to use these:

This section will show you any tasks assigned to the user that is associated with the contact record you are currently on.

In this section you will see all of the pictures that have been attcehd to the person's contact record. The picture with the star next to it is the current profile picture. You will also go to this section if you need to edit or download a picture. This is done by clicking on the actual picture and the file editor will open up.
Membership also uses this section to attach files to a person's contact record.

Audit Log
This seciton shows all of the changes that have been made to a record and who made them. It can be searched by the date of the change or the field that was changed by choosing the correct toggle.
Some "users" to be aware of when you see changes are:
Blackpulp - It was done on the website
SQLNightly - A stored procedure made a change overnight
APIUser - A webtool made the change


Below the participant record you will see a row of tabs that displays other information that is connected to the participant:

overview image


There are several records that are related to the Participant record. Depending on your User Rights, the following tabs may appear at the top of the Participant Record:






Background Checks

Activity Level Log

Membership Log

Activity Level



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  • Contact: The Contact record of this Participant. 
  • Participant Type: The relationship of this Participant to the church. (Non-Member, Member, Non-Communing Member, Child Member, PCA Presbytery, In Membership Process, Church Planting Member)
  • Activty Level: These levels show how invloved a person is in the church. (01 Supporting, 02 Participating, 03 Engaging, 04 Lapsing, 05 Incative)
  • Participant Start Date: The date this person started to participate at the church.
  • Participant End Date: The date that the person is marked as no longer being an active participant.
  • Notes:  A text field that allows for notes related to the participant.

Staff or Officer

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These fileds are all populated by stored procedures and cannot be edited directly on the partcipant record.

  • Perimeter Church Staff: Shows who is currently a Church Staff Member
  • Perimeter School Staff: Shows who is currently a School Staff Member
  • Perimeter Officer: Shows who is currently an Officer
  • PCS Parent: Shows who is currently a PCS parent
  • PCS Student: Shows who is currently a PCS student

Membership Process

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  • First Time Visitor Milestone: Populated when milestone 1st Visit to Permieter Church is created. This is typically done manually using the connection card tool.
  • Taste of Perimeter: Populated when a participant is marked as attended in an event with the event type of "Taste of Perimeter".
  • First Sunday Brunch: Populated when a participant is marked as attended in an event with the event type of "First Sunday Brunch".
  • Membreship Class Start Date: Populated when a participant is makred as attended or confirmed in an event with the event type of "Membership Seminar Day 1".
  • Membresip Class End Date: Populated by membership with the date the class process is complete.
  • Moving Forward: Populated with the date the "Moving Forward" form is submitted.
  • Moving Forward Response: Populated by membership to indicate if this person will be moving forward with the membership process.
  • Membership Profile: Populated by membership with the date the membership profile is sumbitted.
  • Membership Appointment: Populated by membership with the date the person met with an elder for thier membership interview.
  • Date Receivend: Poluated by membership with the date the person officially became a member.
  • How Received: Populated by membership with how the person became a member. (Associate, Letter of Transfer, Profession of Faith, Reaffirmation)
  • Received From: If the person was received by Letter of Transfer membership populateds this with the church they transfered from.
  • Transfer Received: Popluated by membership when the letter of transfer is received.
  • Restored to Roll: Popluated by membership when a person is added back to membership for various reasons.
  • Church Plant Date Received: Popluated by membership when a member moves membership to Perimeter church plant.
  • Inactive Member Date: Populated by membership when a member becomes inactive.
  • Membership End Date: Poluated by membrship when a member changed to non-member either because they have been inactive for more that 12 months or they have transfered to another church.
  • Charter Member: Populated to indicate people that are charter members of Perimeter.

Ministry Safe Milestones

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Our Ministry Safe process uses milestones and forms to complete this process. These pieces then populate these fields.

Perimeter Christian School

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  • Student ID: This field is popluate by the school with a studnet's FACTS ID.

Activity Level Process

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  • Activity Level to Move: Used by a stored proceedure to update a participant's activity level.
  • Activity Level Do Not Move: Used by membership and IT to make a change that will not be effected by the stored proceedure. DO NOT USE WITHOUT TALKING TO IT AND/OR MEMBERSHIP FIRST
  • Last Known Activity Level: Populated with the date of the last activity log a participant has.
  • Last Known HH Activity Level: Popluated with the date of the last activity log someone in the household has.


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  • First Attendance Ever: A read-only field that is populated every evening based on the first event that a person has an event participant record of attended or confirmed in.
  • Second Attendance Ever: A read-only field that is populated every evening based on the second event that a person has an event participant record of attended or confirmed in
  • Third Attendance Ever: A read-only field that is populated every evening based on the third event that a person has an event participant record of attended or confirmed in
  • Last Attendance Ever: A read-only field that is populated every evening based on the most recent event that a person has an event participant record of attended or confirmed in
  • Red Flag Notes: Any notes that are needed to flag this Participant for awareness among our staff. For example, not cleared to volunteer with children or people with contact information that needs to be carefully guarded.

Other Church Informaiton

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  • Other Home Church: Used by membership when someone is active at Perimeter but is a member at another church and not looking to change membership.
  • Home Church: To be popluated with the church a perosn attends if they have indicated they have a home church other than Perimeter.

Background Check Information

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  • Background Check Type: A read-only field that is updated in real-time from the last Background Check record for the Participant.
  • Background Check Status: A read-only field that is updated in real-time from the last Background Check record for the Participant. Values include:
    • Needed: The Background Check Status field on the Participant record is blank, meaning no previous Background Check record exists for the Participant and the Participant is currently serving in a role where a background check is required (in a Group with a Group Role that has a Background Check Required = True).
    • Still Needed: The Background Check Status field on the Participant record is "Expired", meaning they have a previous Background Check and the Participant is currently serving  serving in a role where a background check is required (in a Group with a Group Role that has a Background Check Required = True). 
    • Clear: The latest Background Check record for the Participant has a status of All Clear = True.
    • Not Clear: The latest Background Check record for the Participant has a status of All Clear = False.
    • Expired: The latest Background Check record for the Participant has expired based on the date of the Background Check. Note: A Not Clear status takes precedence over Expired. A Not Clear status will remain even after the Not Clear Background Check is expired.
    • Incomplete: The latest Background Check record for the Participant has been initiated but is not yet complete. The All Clear flag is not yet set.
  • Background Check Date: A read-only field that is updated in real-time from the last Background Check record for the Participant. The date the last Background Check was returned will be used, or if incomplete, the date it was started will be used.