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Signage Policy

Perimeter Church/ City Impact Signage Policy April 2022

As City Impact grows, we want to continually encourage members of Perimeter Church to engage with their City Impact Teams! After all, the heart of City Impact is to live as the Church in our cities, ultimately to bring about kingdom flourishing.

In that sense, it is important that we continue to point people to their official and organic channels for keeping up with their cities. That way, they kno2331084w where and how to discover city-specific opportunities and events relevant to them.

When it comes to promoting events, we realize signage is an important consideration. We want to be very intentional about how and where we use signage, particularly on the church campus. The policy below is meant to provide clarity when it comes to signage at Perimeter Church.

The Communications Dept is responsible for all signage displayed inside the church buildings and on the church campus. This includes permanent signage and temporary signage for special events such as banners, yard signs, etc. All signage must be approved by Communications Dept.

In all these cases, signage is for Perimeter Church and Perimeter Church events taking place on the campus. The only exception is when a churchwide event at Perimeter is raising awareness for ministries or events happening off the church campus.

For example, the churchwide City Impact Expo takes place at Perimeter Church but raises awareness of the various City Impact Teams. Each city would have a pre-approved sign on display, consistent with the signage for other cities on display.

Signage on the church campus not approved by the Communications Dept will be removed.

There are three reasons for this policy, especially as it relates to City Impact:

  1. City Impact events are to be marketed within the existing channels for cities, in keeping with the vision of City Impact to focus engagement and community within the city.

  2. Publicizing a city-specific event in a churchwide space can create confusion for members and attendees who live outside that particular city as to whether they should attend.

  3. Displaying city-specific signage creates potential competition among cities for limited space. We want to respect every City Impact team by using campus signage for churchwide publicity while pointing people to their respective city-specific webpage, emails, apps, and organic channels.

Again, the goal of this policy is not to limit communication, but to make it more effective. The more we rely on the City Impact emails and organic, city-specific channels, the more people will come to trust and engage in those channels.

On behalf of the following ministry departments of Perimeter Church,

Omari Hill, Director of City Impact

Josh King, Director of Communications